
Managing third party scripts

Party of the third party

Negotiating the friction between business and engineering teams over third party scripts. It's not easy.


Using TypeScript with 11ty

Type safety for the win

Making use of everyone's favourite JavaScript subset.. with 11ty! A quick quide to setting up your tooling.


Custom elements and Preact

Let the DOM do the work

Integrating Preact into other frameworks can be tricky. Let the DOM handle it via custom elements and their lifecycle methods.


Running Gatsby in an AWS Lambda

The Great Gatsby

If you're unable or unwilling to use some of the great services out there, it's fairly trivial to setup your own deployment pipeline.


I used 11ty and... It's awesome

A tale of many sites

More static site generators, or JAMStack projects, are cropping up by the day. Here's a quick look at how I built this site.


Partial hydration in Preact

How to reduce wasted bytes

Reducing the volume of javascript shipped to your users is an ongoing concern, here's one way of approaching this.